“Following the devastating earthquake that struck our nation on September 8, 2023, Marita Group, through its Marita Foundation, swiftly mobilized to provide immediate support to the victims in the Haouz region. This catastrophe left numerous families homeless, facing precarious living conditions.”
With a strong sense of responsibility to our community, the Marita Foundation responded promptly by launching a project to produce multiple tents to shelter the survivors. These tents offered temporary refuge to those in need and were realized in record time, thanks to the dedication of our teams and partners.
As a responsible company, Marita Group places great importance on mutual aid and solidarity. We believe that solidarity is the key to moving forward together. This initiative aligns with our commitment to Moroccan society and its development.
In these challenging times, we extend our deepest condolences to all the families affected by this tragedy and express our heartfelt gratitude to our partners and all individuals involved in this mission, whose support has been invaluable.